Saturday, July 30, 2016

Me, Boo and The Goob

It began some five years ago as a project to fill up time while I was looking for a gig.  Five chapters in, I hit a block.  I didn't know how the story ended.  I was stuck.  I stayed stuck for 4 years until in the midst of a political discussion with a lunatic friend somehow the topic of writing came up.  I mentioned that I had written a novel, but couldn't finish it.  My friend asked me to send it to him, so I did.  Three days later he messaged me "So, how's it end?".  In that moment I knew how it ended.  It took another 4 months to write it, but it was done.

Editing is a special hell.  Re-writes are expected.  They are the real work in writing and best done by the score.  Editing, on the other hand, is like slowly drawing an intestine out of your abdomen.  Sentence by sentence, comma by comma, verb by verb you examine your writing balancing the voice of the narrator with the rules of common grammar as would be understood by a twelve year old kid.

So, it's done.  First edition is out on Amazon.  More editing is being done by a professional, and a second edition will follow, as will hardcopy publishing.

Take a look.  If you read it, I would ask that you review on Amazon.  They say that helps.  The link below will take you to it's page on Amazon.

Me, Boo and The Goob: A Southern Adventure