Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It began in December in an ice covered rest area in southern Virginia. It wasn't really that bad. After all, if you are well prepared when your car breaks down in an ice storm, you can simply serve cocktails until help arrives. But then, the day after Christmas, we got 29 inches dumped on us over night. I had to shovel a path for the dogs, as well as a 'spot' for the dogs so they could go outside and crap. A week or so later, they closed school for a day when we got another 6 or 8 inches. The following week, we got another 6 or 8 inches, and they closed school again, so Catfish, Landi and I went skiing. Last week, we had another ice storm and school was closed.

As I sit here in the pre-dawn hours watching the arrival of yet another snow storm predicted to dump another 10 inches of snow on us, I am troubled. On one hand, a big snow means they cancel school, and we have another opportunity to ski on fresh powder with little in the way of a crowd, but on the other hand, we've already had a lot of 'snow days'. At this rate, the poor kids are going to be going to school through July 4th.

I guess that it's just like Mark Twain said. "Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it." Radar shows the storm closing in on us, and one word comes to mind. BOHICA.

Bend over, here it comes again.

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