Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Year of the Pig

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Cory,Via the miracle of internet communications, our good friends at the Hillsborough Fire Company have made known to me their intention to once again conduct the Central Jersey Firemans Cook-off. This event will be held on July 20, at the fire house. This event will be limited to 30 teams and is a one day event.

This event has been good to us in the past. We won second place for ribs one year, and third place for yard bird another. It's close to home, and we always see old friends from past competitions, and generally have a hell of a good time. Because I have stayed out of trouble all winter long, I believe that we will have a very good year this year because I must have accumulated a lot of good karma and powerful Juju. For this reason, I anticipate winning.

We'll be registered for this event today, so mark your calendars., buy your bourbon, clean your kilt and get ready. The 2009 Edition of the Memphis Barbeque Company Competition Barbeque Team is ready to cook some barbeque. For us, this just might be the Year of the Pig!

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