Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dead Cow?

OK, gentleman. You all (or is it all y'all?) wanted this blog. But there's a serious deficiency of contributions from all but Bill and myself.

So PLEASE - feel free to jump on in!

It was suggested we book another Dead Cow Night. I couldn't agree more. I thought we might get a review of Front Street Smokehouse and Saloon up here, but we haven't gotten to that yet. But let's figure our next rendezvous. How about the place that Gerard suggested...RUB hut? In Manville? They were down in Yardley, too. (And they whipped us like a dead mule, like almost everyone else did.)

By the way...are we a cult? One must wonder. Do we qualify? Check out this site... http://www.cultdeadcow.com/

(Wikipedia says they're a hacker.)

So - let's figure a date, before our next contest. Please - do chip in, here.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Brother Bob! The Dead Cow Society a cult? No way! We are a sophistocated society of somewhat civilized carnivors who routinely feast on vegetarian bovines cusine and liquor.

We really must convene a meeting soon. I second the motion to pick The RUB Hut. They've always done well, and are fun to hang out with.

So, what say ye? When do we descend on this quiet little bbq shack and eat everything but the walls?
